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313 pairs of boots 183 pairs of shoes 53 videos February 18, 2025
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On February 18, 2025, I posted pics of my Rujo Boots "Deacon" grey ostrich boots for more suited-with-boots pics. I wore my blue bespoke suit with these boots.

I enjoy suiting up with cowboy boots often. My Rujo Boots page now shows me suited up in 22 pairs of this fine brand of boots.
On February 16, 2025, the SOTD (suit-of-the-day) was my Blue Bespoke Suit with my Rujo Boots "Bradley" American Alligator boots. A great-looking and comfortable suit-and-boots combination to wear to a church service honoring a friend.
On February 15, 2025, I took photos of six new neckties I recently purchased. I wear them when I wear my business suits.

Nothing like a suit with dress shoes or dress boots, and a dress shirt and tie. I like the look. Ties aren't a sexual fetish, but I certainly enjoy wearing silk, satin, or leather ties. Smokin' in 'em too.
On February 13, 2025, the dress shoes of the day were my older but very comfortable Burgundy Barker Winsford Oxfords that I wore with my Blue Bespoke Suit, the best suit in my business suit wardrobe.

I bought these shoes in 2021 when my dress shoe collection expanded significantly by 58 pairs!
On February 12, 2025, my pair of Rujo Boots "Darin" Pirarucu (fish scale) boots found their way onto my feet for more suited-with-boots pics. I wore my Brooks Brothers blue sharkskin suit that makes these boots look fantastic.

I enjoy suiting up with cowboy boots often. My Rujo Boots page now shows me suited up in 21 pairs of this fine brand of boots.
On February 10, 2025, I posted photos of a new pair of Allen Edmonds black Park Avenue cap toe dress shoes that I bought on a bargain sale in February 2025. This is the most iconic dress shoe in the Allen Edmonds lineup.

Unlike some other guys, I kinda like black dress shoes. On posting these shoes, I noted that I own 45 pairs of black dress shoes now (February 2025.)
On February 8, 2025, while I was wearing my Brooks Brothers blue sharkskin suit, I noticed that this was the only suit in my wardrobe that I had not worn with my Paul Evans black wingtips. I fixed that; cool comfortable sexy shoes with a great suit look hot.

This page on my website shows me wearing all of my business suits (so far) with these superb dress shoes.
On February 8, 2025, my pair of Rujo Boots "Beck" Watersnake boots found their way onto my feet with the suit I chose to wear today, my Brooks Brothers blue sharkskin suit. The color of this suit makes these boots pop. I enjoy suiting up with cowboy boots often.
On February 7, 2025, since I've been wearing business suits every day, I updated my page about my Paul Evans "Brando" oxblood dress shoes that had old and rather bad shoes-suited photos on it.
On February 5, 2025, my black pair of Rujo Boots Blake caiman tail dress boots must have been talking to his brothers and asked me to suit up in my Brooks Brothers black suit to update the page on this site, so I did! Damn hot boots with a great suit!
On February 4, 2025, got some new neckties, too, to wear with my business suits that I have been wearing every day.
On February 4, 2025, my "Saddle" (brown) pair of calfskin Rujo Boots were jealous that their black brothers were suited, so I remedied that by getting suited in my Brooks Brothers blue sharkskin suit with these boots to update my page about these great boots too.
On February 4, 2025, I suited up with my oldest pair of Rujo Boots, "the Duke" in black to update my page about these great boots.
On February 3, 2025, I posted a page about a new pair of Rujo Boots "Bradley" American Alligator boots in Hickory (dark brown) that I won for providing a google review. This exotic skin has a dramatic scaled appearance and makes these boots stand out from the crowd! The boots have calfskin on the shafts. They are the traditional 12-inch height and have a 1.7-inch heel height. These classy boots are very comfortable and dress up well with my Brooks Brothers navy suit. These make pair 25 in my Rujo Boots collection.
On February 2, 2025, still smokin'
On January 30, 2025, I posted a page about a new pair of Paul Evans "Newman" chukka dress boots in chocolate (dark brown) that I bought on a closeout sale in December 2024. These dress boots are very stylish and complement my entire Paul Evans dress shoes and boots lineup. These boots are 5 inches high, have a solid leather sole, and look great with my Brooks Brothers navy suit.
On January 26, 2025, after returning to my home in Maryland after two months of travel, I posted a page about a new pair of Black cherry Rujo Boots "Blake" caiman tail boots that I bought in December 2024. These boots feature caiman tail vamp, are traditional 12 inches tall, round toe, and have a 1.7-inch heel height, just how I like it. These classy boots are very comfortable and dress up well with my Brooks Brothers navy suit. These make pair 24 in my Rujo Boots collection.
On January 1, 2025, I updated dozens of pages on this site to roll it over into 2025. This site has taken a break while I have been enjoying holidays in Puerto Rico. Updates will continue later in January. Meanwhile, I update the annual history of this site's development for 2024, here.

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