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18" Dress Instep
Stock Dehner Boots

These Dehner Boots were stock (not custom). A motor officer who knew got promoted to Detective. His uniform changed to suit & tie instead of cop uniform and boots (poor fella!)   He thought of boots as part of the uniform, and he was not interested in keeping them. He asked me if I would sell his old boots and keep any one pair of the six pairs he gave me for my "sellers fee." Sure, I'll do that!

This pair of Dehners was a stock size 10-1/2D with the 1" extra-wide calf. They were 18" tall. The foot material composing the dress (laceless) instep is all leather. The shaft is Dehcord. They have a standard Nitrile rubber sole. I shined the shafts following this cop's advice: giving them a gentle spray of furniture polish and wiping them down.

I discarded these boots in September 2019 when they fell apart.

These boots looked good with boot chains and leather jeans

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